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Virtual fashion is the future: here is what we know.

Virtual fashion is the future: here is what we know.

Digitization has become a central aspect of our daily life. Now we can order food, buy groceries, schedule appointments, buy cars, play video games, and connect with anyone online. Almost all aspects of our lives are now digital, including fashion. 

One thing is buying clothes online that are shipped directly to your house, and a different one is buying virtual clothes for your online avatars. This is what virtual fashion aims for, and today we will tell you everything you need to know.

Digital garments are tridimensional clothes that fit anyone. They are like an AR filter that allows you to display (and show off) your digital clothing on social media as you do with the clothes you purchase in physical stores. With the tagline "don't shop less, shop digital fashion," Dress-X, the largest online digital clothing sales platform, makes a solid case for their proposal.

Digital fashion is a much more respectful option with the Earth, but it allows us to continue posturing on social networks. The concept behind digital clothing is to present clothes with volume and textures that are unattainable in reality but which nevertheless have an anchor of finishing and structure that go with the body. Digital clothing allows you to add new elements that are impossible to use in the real world, such as materials that simply cannot be worked by the law of gravity.

Companies designing digital fashion

In addition to specialized companies, large luxury brands have also jumped on the bandwagon of digital fashion. Some examples are Valentino and Marc Jacobs, who presented their collections in Animal Crossing, or Balenciaga and Louis Vuitton, who have shown various garments through other video games.

For its part, Gucci was responsible for designing skins (digital clothing) for Pokémon Go. They also opened a temporary Gucci Garden on Roblox, a video game platform where a virtual bag was sold for $4,000. In Roblox, you can also buy clothes from H&M. Another brand that has introduced designs for the digital world is Dolce & Gabbana, which debuted a collection of NFT clothing it called Unvilling Collezione Genesi. This collection consisted of 9 garments sold at around 7 million euros.

The future of digital fashion

What now only a few consume could soon become more common than we think. Mark Zuckerberg pointed out last year that "avatars will be as common as profile photos are today, but instead of being a static image, they will be 3D representations of users."

These three-dimensional avatars will represent real people with very marked identities and clothing tastes. Users who want to feel represented with their digital versions should buy virtual fashion according to their way of dressing.

Dress-X and The Fabricant, the biggest names in digital fashion, support the same idea: digital clothing can lessen its negative environmental impact while also allowing for unlimited imagination and creativity. From this idealistic vantage point, the notion of wearing magnificent clothing that only exists virtually to express oneself on social media while having no harmful environmental effects seems pretty alluring. Doesn’t it?



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