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Could you live without art? The importance of creative economy in a polarized world

Could you live without art? The importance of creative economy in a polarized world

Do you think you could live without art? Neither do we, especially after the pandemic, which paralyzed the creative economy.

Everyone inside its value chain was affected, from creation and production to distribution. This crisis exposed and revealed pre-existing vulnerabilities within the culture sector. Many creatives and cultural professionals were denied the economic assistance given to workers from other sectors. Even though we consumed more online content than ever, creators barely received fair remuneration. 

The concept of the creative economy is an evolving concept that does not have a single definition yet. It is a concept built on the relationship between human creativity and ideas and intellectual property, knowledge, and technology. The creative pillars, considered by the NomadX Foundation to be art, architecture, content, design, gastronomy, literature, music, and programming, are the lifeblood of the creative economy. They also have cultural and artistic value. So then, the creative economy is the sum of all the parts of the creative industries. This industry is among the most dynamic and fast-growing sectors in the world economy, providing new opportunities for developing countries to grow and release their potential.

Creative Economy is one of the world’s most rapidly growing sectors, which currently contributes 3% of the global GDP. At its heart, cultural and creative industries operate at the intersection of art, culture, and technology. These industries generate 2,250 billion dollars annually and provide nearly 30 million jobs worldwide. They also employ more people aged 15−29 than any other sector!

A paradigmatic example of the creative economy’s power is South Korea. South Korea was one of the first countries to invest a considerable amount of its GDP in Creative Economy, through the development of creative products. One of the cultural consequences is K-pop, a genre that revolutionized music worldwide but also the critically acclaimed films and tv shows they produce. This is a direct consequence of their investment. So countries need public support that satisfies the needs of cultural workers. The social and economic inequality exacerbated by the pandemic needs to be counteracted by policies that envision a world where Creative Economy has the right place. This must be done, considering culture as a policy domain and a transversal component across the policy landscape.

Whether it be arts and crafts, books, gastronomy, films, paintings, festivals, songs, designs, coding, digital animation or video games, the creative industries are more than just sectors with good economic growth performance and potential. They are expressions of the human imagination spreading important social and cultural values.

This is why we must urge governments to give the creative economy the importance it deserves. We need to make them understand that investing a considerable amount of GDP is key to human development and community reinforcement. South Korea is a great example of the possibilities it offers.

Here at the NomadX Foundation, we are working to reach out to governments and communities so they can see that an investment in a creative economy is an investment in their and their loved one’s future. Where would our soul and heart be without art? Without creative products?



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